Of Joel, Dainty and a tinfoil hat.

Dainty &Tinfoil hat by Aiselle A T Gabegie
Dainty &Tinfoil hat,  on Flickr.

I have written to Joel, and posted the letter today. The poor boy needs help, and I must not fail him, whatever my misgivings. I’m posting the letter in full below, in the interests of keeping up site stats.

Dear Joel,
I am well and Spiritual as always. I’m sorry I have taken so long to thank you for your gift – a treasure. I can barely believe you made Her yourself – She seems Goddess-given. I keep Her always around my neck, safely hidden in a small bag I made from the purple velvet that encased Her, and take Her out to kiss Her noble knobbly head many times a day. She can only have been created by one touched by Hermaphroditey Herself. It seems we are truly of one blood, you and I.

There is however, a danger in being touched by one as powerful as the Goddess, and I can see evidence of this in your letter. To put it quite bluntly, that touch has affected your brain, which has behaved in the manner of an electrical device short-circuited by a charge in excess of its capacity. But despair not – there is Hope, in the form of my Tarot Masters’ Course, which happily, you will begin very soon.

I’ve been thinking of you lying in that bath you mentioned, waiting to see which card floats up to your chin. It’s a beautiful and moving image that stays with me for many hours.

And those three cards – The Fool, The Star and The Two of Cups – I can read them only too well, but feel that it would be helpful, if not enlightening if we were to explore their meaning together when you come.

Please arrive on Monday at four. I will prepare the basement in readiness. I’m already looking forward to your gift.

Henna has gone, but left me all her decks and gear. We might use them for role-play – to act out some scenarios between Reader and client – or perhaps simply to catch up a little on our lost childhood.

Blessings, and try to hold on till Monday, Aisselle.

As soon as I’d posted the letter in the box down the lane it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I celebrated by making a special tinfoil hat, which you can see in the picture with Dainty, who took a fancy to the bobbles.

Till when, Aisselle

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